
Staff Energy & Environmental Awareness

Impact Energy Solutions offer clients throughout Ireland Informative & Interactive Staff Energy Awareness services designed to assist with LIEN, ISO 50001 & ISO ISO 14001 Certification .

We provide the following services:

Staff Energy Awareness & Environmental Events:

Our Energy Awareness events are both interactive and informitive to involve all staff members.                                                                  An overview of the Energy Awareness days is;

  • Working demo’s & samples of the latest energy efficient technologies
  • Energy Quiz will include on site energy policy questions for staff
  • Staff given the opportunity to raise energy ideas for the company
  • Home energy audit sheet provided and explained
  • Energy tips for home and work
  • Update of current up and coming company energy reduction projects
  • Information on how to avail of all SEAI home improvement grants


Outsourced Energy Manager

outsourceGreen Aware offer clients assistance with their energy programme. Green Aware understand that not all companies can have the position of energy manager and that they don’t have the time to work on energy reduction programmes and that is where we come in.

We can assist the client with as “little” or “as much” help as needed.
•    We can design and manage their energy program
•    Build and educate their energy team
•    Produce energy audits
•    Create staff engagement programs
•    Supply access to industry experts
•    Recommend energy saving projects
•    Carry out detailed cost benefit analysis

Visibly Green Programme

For any company energy programme to work it requires the commitment from key stakeholders to staff on the floor.

Employees need to visibly see the level of commitment that the organisation is showing, from energy boards to energy themes, switch off campaigns, etc.

The organisation needs to demonstrate its commitment to the energy programme, engaging and involving staff on new initiatives and energy idea forums, meetings, etc.

IMPACT Energy Solutions work with organisations to promote their energy awareness programmes

  • Assist energy team with developing and implementing energy programme
  • Develop energy policy that suits company
  • Work with energy manager to build energy team
  • Work with individual energy team players
  • Set & Agree Energy EMBO (Energy Management by Objectives)
  • Develop an energy audit specific to company needs
  • Educate staff on energy walks
  • Complete online staff energy perception survey
  • Provide access to industrial experts
Energy Management Database

IMPACT Energy Solutions developed their Energy Management Database so companies could manage their energy programmes more effectively and monitor their progress and gain valuable feedback from staff.

The database has a wide variety of uses such as:

  • Instant feedback by automatic email to each staff member who raises an idea
  • Energy Manager is notified when an energy idea is raised
  • Providing access for more than one manager to the database
  • Scheduling and managing energy meetings through the EMD system
  • Assign tasks to members of staff and get instant update when they update their task
  • By giving staff the opportunity to raise energy ideas a company will see its energy programme grow from strength to strength
  • By empowering staff to raise energy ideas they will continue to raise more ideas, as they will see a result for their efforts
  • Due to their extra effort companies will see the participation from staff increase and saving energy will become instinctive
  • EMD is a web based system, which means it is accessible at home or at work
  • EMD empowers company staff to raise energy ideas and feel part of an energy programme
IMPACT Staff Energy Training

teamFor any energy programme to succeed it requires the commitment from the energy team, facilities personel and general staff on the floor.

Using lean business practices IMPACT Energy Solutions have developed a class room environment to engage an organizations staff in a fun manner, while getting a clear message across

  • What is energy
  • What is the energy management process
  • The aim of energy management
  • The role of the energy team
  • The role of the company manager
  • Benefits of good housekeeping
  • How to achieve staff engagement
  • Relevant Case Studies
  • Company energy policy principals
  • Complete energy/people matrix – set company benchmark
  • Using best business practices to achieve a common goal
  • Interesting energy facts
  • Identify and implement key energy indicators
  • Role out energy management by objectives – company roadmap

Energy House, Unit 5, Carrigaline Industrial Park, Crosshaven Rd., Co Cork, P43 RX52, Ireland. T: +353 (0)87 2766539 E: jim@impactenergy.ie